As summer slips into fall, we seek shelter on cold nights. The same is true for the wildlife in your yard. As attics go from sweltering hot to cozy and warm, they become the perfect snug winter home for squirrels. Luckily, summer is a great time to prevent this.
About Georgia Squirrels
There are three species of squirrel that can be found in Georgia. The most common species, and the one most likely to inhabit your attic, is the gray squirrel. Red squirrels are found in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Fox squirrels are statewide like gray squirrels, but in specific habitats of open, tree-covered areas. This includes oak-hickory forests, pine barrens, bayous, and live oak mixed forests.
Excluding Squirrels
The easiest way to remove squirrels is to look at your home during the hot season when they’re not in the attic. Wildlife removal companies can come out then and find the most likely access points. They can close up the areas and prevent a new crop of winter roommates. If you already have squirrels in the attic, the same methods can be applied, but excluder devices can be used at a single access point to allow everyone the chance to leave but not return.
Are You Offering Habitat?
The other thing to look for when trying to understand how squirrels view your home is the habitat. Are there food sources in the area that squirrels want? This can include oak or other nut trees and fresh, open water sources. Do you have bird feeders along the outside of your home that squirrels can frequent? Your wildlife removal expert can help you to troubleshoot the best way to make your home wildlife friendly without showing them a vacancy sign.
To learn more, talk to your local wildlife removal expert today.