Of all the wildlife that may try and make a home in your house, snakes are probably the animal that seems scariest to many people. Though most snake species that you can encounter are not venomous, they are one of the most common phobias in society today. They also tend to create bad-smelling homes, due to the odor of their urine. Because of this, safe removal and prevention is a good idea. Bites and diseases are possible, particularly for your pets, but this is rare, and usually the idea of snakes in your home is enough to want them gone.
Why Do Snakes Choose a Home?
Snakes will choose areas for two reasons: because they have lots of food, or because there is a shelter benefit. If they are there for food, it is usually because you already have a rodent problem, and they are happy to help you with it. Shelter is a more complicated issue, however. Snakes like quiet, out of the way places that provide coolness during hot summer days and warmth during cold winter evenings. Crawl spaces beneath porches and other areas that are slightly underground are some of their favorite locations. If you have heating or hot water pipes that are not well insulated, that provides a warm place for them to come in and feel comfortable. They can also move into rafters, walls, and other portions of your home not well-used.
Removal and Prevention
The best way to remove snakes is to call a professional. Some species will live singly, while others prefer large colonies. An expert will know based on one snake whether you are likely dealing with more. Prevention is usually about removing any food sources for them, and sealing likely access points to discourage sheltering snakes. Trimming the brush around the outside of your home, and therefore removing private entrances, can also help. Your local wildlife expert can help you to troubleshoot possible reasons that your home may be a likely haven for snakes.