Raccoon Habits and Habitats
Raccoons are nocturnal animals and will typically reside near wooded lots. Because their natural predators are nonexistent in cities or metropolitan suburbs, like greater Atlanta, raccoons have populated excessively.
This overpopulation has led to more raccoon trapping problems and the possibility of them carrying the rabies virus. In fact, raccoons are the most likely carrier of this virus in many states, including Georgia. Raccoon droppings may pose another human threat, their droppings may contain Raccoon Roundworm .
Raccoons are very adaptable animals and have learned that our homes are excellent places to live and raise young. If a raccoon has been active on or around your home, it is only a matter of time before they figure out how to get into your attic or crawl space. A very common entry point into man-made structures for raccoons is down the chimney.
To prevent raccoons from entering houses, roofs and chimneys should be well-maintained. Raccoons can easily access rooftops by climbing trees, downspouts, vines, or a trellis located near a house. Animals access to chimneys can be prevented by fastening a chimney cap over the top of the chimney. Learn more about Urban Wildlife Control’s animal exclusion & repair service.
Raccoon Control
Replace loose shingles, repair any holes near the eaves or soffit of the roof. Limiting the access to the roof by trimming trees and shrubs may also help. Garbage cans with tight-fitting lids will help keep out most raccoons. However wiring the cans shut may be necessary if they can be tipped over.
All of these tips will only help prevent and control raccoons from entering your home or attic. Once you have a raccoon problem, raccoon trapping is your only solution.
Raccoon Trapping
When excluding or trapping raccoons from buildings during the spring and summer there may be the possibility of young present.
A raccoon removal professional will not close off the raccoons’ entry point without first trapping them out. We do not want to seal them inside. Sealing raccoons inside might cause a painful death for the animal and they may also cause extensive damage to the building as they try to escape or retrieve young raccoons trapped inside.
The best method to remove female raccoons from within buildings is to live trap them with a cage trap. Raccoon mothers are some of the best mothers in nature. They are very protective of their young. If you place the young in a cage, you’ll always trap her. Nothing can separate a mother raccoon from her babies!
Please contact a professional animal control service before attempting raccoon trapping.