The warm weather of spring and summer can make snakes more active. While some may like the natural rodent control that they can offer, many prefer that snakes spend their time elsewhere. If snakes are a problem in your backyard, you may be glad to know that one of the most effective ways to avoid snakes is to landscape in a way that is unappealing to them. Best of all, many of these things can also help your yard to look great! Here are some tips:
Elevate your wood:
If you are someone who has a woodpile, invest in a rack to lift it 6 inches or so off the ground. This is especially true if you have a messy pile instead of a neatly stacked grouping. Piles of wood are one of the most common snake havens. If you can’t avoid it, move it away from the woods or trees- the more that snakes have to cross an open area to get to your logs, the less likely they are to do so. The same is true of any lumber or plywood you have left over from old projects- store plywood in rafters of buildings and not leaning against the back of your shed.
Watch for water:
Ponds, puddles, and other such areas are watering holes for many different forms of wildlife (and can be mosquito breeding grounds if not treated!). This serves as an easy hunting ground for many snake species, especially if shade is nearby.
Keep your vegetation low and open:
The key to avoid is shade and cover when it comes to many snakes. A low lawn and landscaping plants that are far apart and low-growing can help you to avoid some snake species.
Avoid rodent havens:
Make sure your buildings are well sealed when it comes to offering a home for mice, rats, or squirrels. As these are favorite prey for many snake species, they are likely to follow these critters under your home, into your shed, and into other locations.
Need more help or immediate snake removal? Give us a call.