Cold weather bringing them in!
Well Atlanta, another cold snap is upon us! Today after inspecting several attics its clear that the critters are camping out inside the attics of most homes. Some people in Atlanta enjoy this crazy weather, but it has left squirrels, rats and other rodents out in the cold and scrambling for shelter and some warmth. If you all of a sudden have begun hearing the pitter-patter of little feet in your attic, ceiling or walls or have recently discovered droppings inside your home, you may need the help from a rodent removal professional.
We have been flooded with calls from people thinking they have squirrels in their attic but after our pest control technicians inspect their home’s attic we determine they have mice or rats. A lot of times people assume they have squirrels because that is what they see outside in their yard most frequently. Rats and mice are not typically active during the daytime, they are nocturnal. If you are hearing critters inside your home once the sun sets the chances of you having a rat or mouse in your home are higher than your common grey squirrel. Although it is common to have the nocturnal flying squirrel in your home as well.
Nocturnal flying squirrels, mice and rats can make enough noise in the middle of the night to make any person think theres a gorilla in their attic. These smaller rodents at 4am can drive the average person crazy! Regardless of what the animal in your attic is, it needs to be removed! Animals living in your home can cause mass destruction. soiled insulation, damaged electrical wiring, which may lead to a house fire, structural deficiencies, such as roof leaks and contamination from droppings and urine are just a few of the problems you may encounter.